Review Article

A Systematic Review of Real-Time Medical Simulations with Soft-Tissue Deformation: Computational Approaches, Interaction Devices, System Architectures, and Clinical Validations

Table 3

The inclusion criteria for each search terminology.

#Search terms (STs)Inclusion conditions (ICs)

1ST #1IC #1.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “medical”, “simulations”, and “computer-aided” keywords and (2) the title concerns the supports of computers in soft-tissue simulations executing in real time
IC #1.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the support of computer in medical systems, medical simulations, and medical applications so that they can be executed in real time; (2) the abstract describes the medical system architectures and the interactions of computer’s input/output devices in clinical environments; and (3) the system developed in the paper focuses on simulating human soft tissues

2ST #2IC #2.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “biomedical”, and “simulations” keywords and (2) the title concerns the issues of real-time simulation in biomedical applications
IC #2.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the analyses of real time in biomedical applications/systems and (2) the abstract focuses on analysing the computational approaches, the system architectures, or the characteristics of real time in biomedical applications

3ST #3IC #3.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time” and “facial” keywords, and (2) the title concerns the computational approaches to simulate the human faces
IC #3.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the development of computational techniques or system designs for modelling the facial mimics/expressions/muscles and (2) the developed techniques must be able to execute in real time

4ST #4IC #4.1: the title must satisfy all following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “liver”, and “models” keywords and (2) the title concerns the modelling methods of the human liver in real time
IC #4.2: the abstract must satisfy all following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the issues of computational approaches for modelling the human liver and (2) the computational approaches must be executed in real time

5ST #5IC #5.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “medical”, and “simulations”/”systems” keywords and (2) the title is aimed at developing the computational methods for modelling the soft tissue in medical environments
IC #5.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns computational approaches or system architectures for modelling soft tissues in medical environments and (2) the system must be run in real time

6ST #6IC #6.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “muscle”, and “models” keywords and (2) the title considers the computational methods for modelling the human muscles in real time
IC #6.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the developments of computational techniques for modelling and simulating human muscles so that they can run in real time and (2) the abstract shows the implementations of muscle deformable models in clinical environments

7ST #7IC #7.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time” and “surgery” keywords and (2) the title illustrates the surgical simulations/systems applied in human soft tissues executed in real time
IC #7.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract describes the surgical simulations/systems for human soft tissues and (2) the abstract concerns system architectures of surgical simulations or systems so that they can execute in real time

8ST #8IC#8.1: the title must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time” and “finite element” keywords and (2) the title concerns the finite element modelling methods for human soft tissues in real time
IC #8.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract concerns the human soft-tissue modelling method in real time based on the finite element modelling methods and (2) the abstract is aimed at developing, generating, and analysing the variations of finite element modelling methods to get the real-time requirements

9ST #9IC #9.1: the title must satisfy all following conditions: (1) the title contains “real-time”, “soft tissue”, and “deformations”/”models” keywords and (2) the title considers the modelling methods of the human soft-tissue deformations executing in real time
IC #9.2: the abstract must satisfy all of the following conditions: (1) the abstract illustrates the computational approaches for development the models of human soft-tissue deformations and (2) the abstract is aimed at developing, analysing, and generating the modelling methods