Research Article

Sample Rocks Tests and Slope Stability Analysis of a Mine Waste Dump

Table 7

Physical and mechanical parameters of the sample rocks from waste dump.

LithologyDensity γ (g/cm3)Cohesion c (kPa)Inner friction angle φ (°)Compressive strength σcm (MPa)Tensile strength σct (MPa)Elasticity modulus Em (MPa)Poisson’s ratio μ

Heavily weathered rock layer2.56320287.000.9034000.23
Medium weathered rock layer2.666503014.202.0373410.23
Natural gravel and soil2.1040282000.30
Saturated gravel and soil2.2020161300.30
Natural waste rocks2.2135358000.27
Saturated waste rocks2.3325305500.27