Research Article

A Semantic Approach to Dynamic Path Planning for Fire Evacuation through BIM and IoT Data Integration

Table 4

Ontology information retrieval rules.


Q1SELECT (COUNT(?space) as ?count) WHERE {
 ?space rdf:type fe:Space .
Retrieving the number of space instances in the knowledge graph

Q2SELECT ?space ?device WHERE {
 ?space rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?device rdf:type fe:Sensor .
 ?device fe:isLocatedIn ?space
Retrieving the locations of device instances

Q3SELECT ?storey ?space WHERE {
 ?storey rdf:type fe:BuildingStorey .
 ?space rdf:type fe:Space .
 ?storey fe:hasSpace ?space
Retrieve the space groups located in a storey

Q4SELECT ?space_1 ?space_2 ?data WHERE {
 ?space_1 rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?space_2 rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?distance rdf:type fe:Distance .
 ?distance fe:from ?space_1 .
 ?distance fe:to ?space_2 .
 ?distance fe:hasDistance ?data
Retrieving the connectivity relationships between space instances

Q5SELECT ?space_1 ?space_2 ?data WHERE {
 ?space_1 rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?space_2 rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?distance rdf:type fe:Distance .
 ?distance fe:from ?space_1 .
 ?distance fe:to ?space_2 .
 ?distance fe:hasDistance ?data
Retrieving the evacuation distances between space instances

Q6SELECT ?space ?data WHERE {
 ?space rdf:type fe:Room .
 ?space fe:hasPeopleValue ?data
Retrieving the number of unevacuated people in space instances

Q7SELECT ?device ?data ?time WHERE {
 ?device rdf:type fe:Sensor .
 ?device fe:hasObservation ?obs .
 ?obs fe:hasResult ?data .
 ?obs fe:resultTime ?time
Retrieving the observation values and observation times of device instances