Leather Industry Solid Waste as Nitrogen Source for Growth of Common Bean Plants
Table 3
Chemical and physical soil characteristics before common bean plants cultivation.
Additional 1
Additional 2
Additional 3
4 t ha−1
8 t ha−1
16 t ha−1
32 t ha−1
pH (H2O)
5.6 (0.08)
5.6 (0.14)
5.9 (0.08)
6.1 (0.13)
6.1 (0.09)
5.9 (0.05)
5.9 (0.05)
O.M. (g kg−1)
8.7 (0.13)
8.7 (0.08)
8.1 (0.05)
9.0 (0.13)
8.7 (0.16)
8.7 (0.09)
8.7 (0.05)
(g kg−1)
3.1 (0.05)
3.1 (0.13)
3.2 (0.09)
2.9 (0.08)
3.0 (0.08)
3.0 (0.09)
4.0 (0.21)
N- (mg kg−1)
14 (0.47)
40 (0.47)
19.4 (0.28)
19.3 (0.14)
13.5 (0.24)
14.4 (0.05)
19.1 (0.08)
N- (mg kg−1)
9.6 (0.05)
10.0 (0.08)
8.3 (0.05)
8.1 (0.05)
6.8 (0.14)
10.0 (0.09)
25.2 (0.08)
(g kg−1)—common bean plants harvest
3.8 (0.08)
4.1 (0.05)
4.0 (0.16)
4.1 (0.09)
3.9 (0.05)
4.0 (0.09)
3.6 (0.05)
*EMBRAPA [19]. †Additional 1: soil without fertilization and without collagen; additional 2: fertilization with mineral N; additional 3: wet blue residue; 4. 8. 16 and 32 t ha−1 collagen. Values are the mean of three replicates. Numeric values in brackets represent SD (standard deviation).