Research Article

Alkylresorcinols as a New Type of Gut Microbiota Regulators Influencing Immune Therapy Efficiency in Lung Cancer Treatment

Figure 2

The representation of AR content in the faeces of healthy people and lung cancer patients. (a) A volcano plot based on multiple Mann–Whitney tests of AR content in the faeces of healthy people and lung cancer patients; the volcano graph represents the changes in AR levels between different cohorts of faeces’ donors (the value reflects a false discovery rate of 5%); the mean rank difference values reflect the direction of changes in the AR level (values below zero indicate an increase in the AR level in the faeces, while values above zero indicate a decrease in the AR level in the faeces of human donors); statistically significant values are marked with red dots. Differences in AR content in stool samples from healthy people and lung cancer patients according to unpaired Mann–Whitney test: (b) C0, resorcinol; (c) C1, methylresorcinol; (d) C2, ethylresorcinol; and (e) C3, propylresorcinol (, , and ). Black bars indicate AR value (nmol/g) in the faeces of healthy donors; orange bars indicate AR value (nmol/g) in the faeces of lung cancer patients.