Research Article

The Efficacy of Paraprobiotic, Probiotic, and Mineral Supplementation on the Eradication Rate of Helicobacter pylori in Patients with Dyspepsia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients in both treatment groups.

Group A (without Pyloshot)
Group B (with Pyloshot)

Male/female, 17/1816/180.9
Age, mean (SD), years44.05 (13.66)42.49 (14.17)0.64
Smokers, (%)6 (17.1%)6 (17.6%)0.95
History of NSAID consumption, (%)8 (22.8%)7 (20.5%)0.81
History of H. pylori treatment more than one year before recent presentation, (%)3 (8.5%)4 (11.7%)0.71
of SSS of dyspepsia0.13
Dyspepsia subtypes, (%)
 PDS15 (42.8%)15 (44.1%)0.91
 EPS15 (42.8%)15 (44.1%)0.91
 Overlapping features5 (14.4%)4 (11.8%)1

: number; SD: standard deviation; NSAIDs; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PDS: postprandial distress syndrome; EPS: epigastric pain syndrome; SSS: symptom severity score.