Research Article

IL-31 and IL-8 in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma: Looking for Their Role in Itch

Table 3

IL-31 and IL-8 serum levels in patients with CTCL and healthy controls.

sIL-31 (pg/ml)P (CTCL vs. C)P (CTCL) †sIL-8 (pg/ml)P (CTCL vs. C)P (CTCL) †

Controls (n = 29)7.8 (0.3–55.3)NANA9.3 (3.4–52.0)NANA
CTCL (n = 27)24.2 (0.6–253.6)0.012NA11.1 (3.4–322.5)0.863NA
MF (n = 17)11.4 (0.6–58.6)0.3330.00411.1 (3.4–31.2)1.0000.639
SS (n = 10)28.3 (17.3–253.6)<0.00113.0 (4.2–322.5)0.740
SC ≤ 5% lymphocytes (n = 17)11.4 (0.6–253.6)0.3220.00810.1 (3.4–31.2)0.8020.334
SC >5% lymphocytes (n = 10)28.3 (17.3–209.1)<0.00118.3 (4.2–322.5)0.495
SC < 1000/μl (n = 22)21.9 (0.6–253.6)0.0700.13810.7 (3.4–31.2)0.5810.033
SC ≥ 1000/μl (n = 5)28.3 (17.3–60.6)0.00330.1 (6.0–322.5)0.056
Stages I + II (n = 18)12.2 (0.6–253.6)0.2120.0269.3 (3.4–31.2)0.9910.596
Stages III + IV (n = 9)28.3 (17.3–209.1)<0.00115.8 (4.2–322.5)0.736
Without itch (VAS 0) (n = 9)11.4 (0.6–30.1)0.4300.0219.3 (3.9–31.2)0.7830.743
With itch (VAS 1–10) (n = 18)27.7 (1.4–253.6)0.00211.4 (3.4–322.5)0.726
Mild/moderate itch (VAS 1–5) (n = 7)7.8 (1.4–253.6)0.7490.0378.2 (3.4–26.1)0.2530.056
Intense/severe itch (VAS 6–10) (n = 11)28.3 (17.3–209.1)<0.00120.8 (4.2–322.5)0.175

Results are presented as mean ± standard deviation and as median and (range) values. Values were rounded to one decimal point. C, controls; CTCL, cutaneous T-cell lymphomas; sIL-8, interleukin-8 serum levels; sIL-31, interleukin-31 serum levels, MF, Mycosis Fungoides; NA, not applicable; PB, peripheral blood; SC, Sézary cells; SS, Sézary syndrome; VAS, visual analogue scale. values obtained when the mentioned CTCL groups were compared to each other, including outliers: MF vs. SS, CTCL with ≤5% SC vs. CTCL with >5% SC (expressed as % of PB lymphocytes); CTCL with SC < 1000/μL vs. CTCL with SC ≥ 1000/μL in the PB; CTCL stages I + II vs. CTCL stages III + IV; CTCL without itch (VAS 0) vs. CTCL with itch (VAS 1–10); CTCL with mild/moderate itch (VAS 1–5) vs. CTCL with intense/severe itch (VAS 6–10).