Review Article

The Role of Methylation in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Its Prognostic and Therapeutic Impacts in the Disease: A Systematic Review

Table 23

Noncoding RNAs.non

Gene namesRelated pathwayFindings in CLLRef.

CRNDEInvolved in the expression of genes associated to metabolism and in neoplasms biology inversely regulated by insulin and insulin-like growth factorsCRNDE expression was downregulated and the methylation level of CRNDE promoter was higher compared to normal B cells; after exposure to demethylating agents, an increase of CRNDE expression levels was reported[183]
NCRMSMethylated gene body status correlated with IGVH-mutated status[26, 184]
BM742401Overexpression of BM742401 in CLL led to interruption of cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis; in CLL cell lines, BM742401 promoter was methylated in 57.1% of the samples compared to normal controls where the promoter was unmethylated; methylation of BM742401 negatively associated with its expression and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine exposure caused promoter demethylation with consequent activation of BM742401 expression; methylation of BM742401 correlated with higher Rai stage among in the subgroup of CLL patients with standard-risk cytogenetic features[185]
CLLU1mRNA expression level predicted time to treatment and survival; methylated gene promoter correlated with decreased expression and IGVH-mutated cases[14, 186]
AC012065.7Positive expression relationship with nearby GDF7 gene. GDF7 protein is involved in growth, repair, and embryonic developmentGene promoter methylation levels reported to be inversely correlated to gene expression levels and survival analysis demonstrated that hypomethylated gene promoter status of AC012065.7 was associated with an inferior prognosis[187]

CLL: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Ref.: reference, CLLU1: chronic lymphocytic leukemia upregulated 1, NCRMS: noncoding RNA in rhabdomyosarcoma, BM742401: GATA6 antisense RNA 1, CRNDE: colorectal neoplasia differentially expressed, GDF7: growth differentiation factor 7, IGVH: immunoglobulin variable heavy chain gene.