Research Article

Winegrape Yield and Revenue Variability in Australia

Table 2

Estimation results for models (1) and (2).

Model →(1)(2)
Dependent variable →ln_CoV_yieldln_CoV_revenue (ha)
Independent variable ↓CoeffSECoeffSE

GST (°C)−0.0860.027−0.0310.029
GSP (mm)0.0010.001−0.0000.000

Variety dummy variablesYesYes

Region dummy variablesNoNo



The dependent variables of models (1) and (2) are the natural logarithm of the coefficient of variation of yield and the natural logarithm of the coefficient of variation of revenue per ha, respectively. GST is the growing season average temperature and GSP is the growing season precipitation. “Coeff” stands for coefficient and “SE” for robust standard errors. Statistical significance levels:  = 1%,  = 5%, and  = 10%.