Research Article

Magnesium Removal from an Aluminum A-332 Molten Alloy Using Enriched Zeolite with Nanoparticles of SiO2

Table 2

Measurements of surface area of zeolite without and with amorphous SiO2(NPs).

MaterialMg(end) (wt-%) (kg) (%)Area surface (m2/g)Pore size (nm)

Zeolite: 2.5% 0.00020.05899.9820.9812
Zeolite: 5% 0.01011.10099.2518.4713
Zeolite: 7.5% 0.05001.13098.3721.8814.5
Zeolite: 10% 0.10401.60096.8722.9417
Zeolite: 12.5% 0.10901.86093.1825.9819.5

Mg(end): final Mg content in the alloy.