Research Article

Association of Endogenous Seminal L-Carnitine Levels with Post-Thaw Semen Parameters in Humans

Table 1

Correlations between levels of endogenous seminal L-carnitine (n = 125; µg/ml) and background characteristic values.

VariablenMedian (min–max)UnadjustedAdjusted for semen volume

Age (years)a12535 (23–57)0.0130.895−0.0620.531
BMI (kg/m2)b11324.7 (17.4–40.2)−0.1160.221−0.0290.761
Sexual abstinence (days)b1253 (1–7)0.0690.4840.1390.158
Semen volume (ml)b1254 (1–8)−0.415<
Sperm concentration (106/ml)b12538 (5–239)0.695<0.672<
Total sperm count (106)b125126 (14–521)0.496<0.672<
Rapid progressive sperm motility (a, %)11025 (2–55)0.356<0.415<
Progressive sperm motility (a + b, %)11040 (11–63)0.2380.295
Total sperm motility (a + b + c, %)11051 (18–74)0.1780.0670.246
Immotile sperm (d, %)b11050 (26–82)−0.1780.069−0.246
Sperm vitality (%)c12561 (19–88)0.1940.0470.2100.032
Normal sperm morphology (%)b1208 (1–32)0.0990.3110.0890.368
Sperm head defects (%)d12088 (56–99)−0.0760.437−0.0830.403
Spem neck midpiece defects (%)12028 (3–55)−0.0580.554−0.0910.358
Sperm principal piece defects (%)b12012 (3–31)−0.1600.102−0.1450.139
Fragmented sperm DNA (%)a12515 (2–88)−0.1500.126−0.1890.054
Seminal sORP (mV)b12441 (3–172)0.0040.9650.0460.640

BMI, body mass index; sORP, static oxidation-reduction potential; r, correlation coefficient. p values ≤ 0.01 were considered statistically significant. Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to determine correlation between levels of endogenous L-carnitine in seminal plasma and semen parameters. Pearson’s partial correlation analysis was used for adjusted data. Data are presented as unadjusted and adjusted for semen volume. All variables were continuous. aLog-transformed variables. bSquare-root transformed variables. cPower transformed variables. dCubic transformed variables.