Research Article

A Study of Dual Function and Expression Pattern of Klf4 between Two Different Processes of Differentiation and Maintenance of Pluripotency in Spermatogonial Stem Cells

Figure 6

Fluidigm real-time RT-PCR analysis for Klf4 expression. Klf4 mRNA expression increases during differentiating. (a) Differentiated SSCs of adult mice (DSSCs-A) have significantly higher expression of Klf4 than undifferentiated SSCs of adult mice (UDSSCs-A) and also have significantly higher expression of Klf4 than differentiated and undifferentiated SSCs of neonate mice (DSSCs-N and UDSSCs-N). In addition, differentiated SSCs of neonate mice have a significantly higher expression in comparison with undifferentiated SSCs of adult mice. In the neonate mice, there is no significant difference between differentiated and undifferentiated stages of SSCs. (b) By decreasing the scale of the graph, undifferentiated SSCs of neonate mice show a significantly higher expression of Klf4 than undifferentiated SSCs of adult mice. (c) Significant decrease of the expression of Klf4 in neonate mouse undifferentiated spermatogonia passage 10 (UD-N-P10) in comparison to passage 0 (UD-N-P0) by Fluidigm real-time PCR analysis (<0.05, <0.01, <0.001).