Research Article

Induction of Fetal Hemoglobin In Vivo Mediated by a Synthetic γ-Globin Zinc Finger Activator

Figure 1

Expression of gg1-VP64. (a) Total RNA isolated from gg1-VP64 β-YAC bigenic line adult peripheral blood was analyzed by RT-PCR using gg1-VP64-specific primers. Each lane shows an individual from the established lines; numbers are indicated at the top of the panel; the gg1-VP64 product is indicated to the right side of the panel. (b) Cellular lysates from CID-dependent gg1-VP64 β-YAC BMCs were assayed by western blotting using an anti-HA tag antibody to detect the gg1-VP64-HA fusion (29 kDa, indicated to the right of the panel). CID-dependent β-YAC BMCs were used as the negative control. Anti-β-actin was employed as loading control. M, marker lane.