Research Article

Evaluation of Six Selected Commercial Fermented Soybean Meal by Feeding Juvenile Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.)

Table 10

Linear regression analysis between growth parameters and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) for feed1.

Growth performance/protein utilizationApparent digestibility coefficient (ADC)Linear regression line1

SGR2ADC of dry matter0.659<0.05
ADC of protein0.812<0.05
PER2ADC of dry matter0.846<0.05
ADC of protein0.836<0.05
PR2ADC of dry matter0.734<0.05
ADC of protein0.771<0.05

1Linear regression lines (where is the growth parameters and is the ADC of dry matter and protein). 2SGR: specific growth rate; PER: protein efficiency ratio; PR: protein retention.