Research Article

Nutrient Digestibility and Retention of Potential Feed Ingredients for Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) Aquaculture in Iran

Table 4

Chemical composition analysis in experimental diets (g·kg−1 dry matter).

Run 1Run 2Run 3

Dry matter909910906897915902909896897902888902906873
Gross energy (MJ/kg)23.423.823.722.923.122.823.422.223.023.429.823.023.422.1
Crude protein434593601553557437434558399502465516568427
Crude lipid174154144127173175174128183176149169124138
Crude fiber88687065691008864705050444971
Crude ash32323055654432565270137674664
Total phosphaten.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.6.810.421.
Nitrogen-free extract (NFE)272153155200136244272194296202202204213300
Organic matter (OM)968968970945935956968944948930863933954936
NFE:OM (%)§2816162115262821312223222232

Ref, casein-based semisynthetic laboratory standard diet; FeM, feather meal; RegFeM, regular feather meal; GoldFeM, GOLDMEHL® feather meal; IRFeM, Iranian feather meal; PBM_64, poultry by-product meal with minimum 64% crude protein; CM, canola meal; IRFeM+, Iranian feather meal diet treated with citric acid (dissolved 0.02 g citric acid, C6H12O6, per 1 g Iranian feather meal and sprayed on that diet or 0.6% diet); PBM_LA, low-ash (<11%) poultry by-product meal; PBM_50, poultry by-product meal with minimum 50% crude protein; PPCon, poultry protein concentrate; BM, ultra-flash dried poultry blood meal; and IRSBM, Iranian soybean meal. Calculated by subtracting crude protein, crude lipid, crude fiber, and crude ash from 1,000. Calculated by subtracting the crude ash content from 1,000. §Calculated by dividing NFE by OM and multiplying 100. n.a., not analyzed.