Research Article

The Effect of Feeding with Chironomid and Artemia on Fatty Acids and Amino Acids Profiles in Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) Larvae

Figure 3

Comparison of the essential amino acid profiles (%) of Persian sturgeon (A. persicus) larvae, 11 days after feeding and the EAA profiles of (a) Artemia with larvae in treatment 2, (b) Chironomid with larvae in treatment 4, (c) Daphnia with larvae in treatment 1, (d) Artemia with larvae in treatment 1, (e) Artemia with larvae in treatment 3, and (f) Chironomid with larvae in treatment 3. The low points on the slope indicate a lack of AA in live food. AA profiles where the difference between larvae and live food is greatest are marked with an asterisk ().