Research Article
Day of Surgery Admission in Total Joint Arthroplasty: Why Are Surgeries Cancelled? An Analysis of 3195 Planned Procedures and 114 Cancellations
Table 2
Reason for Cancellations.
| Reason for Cancellation | Number of Patients |
| Cardiac | 27 | Respiratory | 22 | Haematology | 7 | Renal | 1 | URTI | 3 | MRSA | 2 | AAA | 1 | Soft Tissue | 9 | Patient | 7 | Urological | 6 | Cancer | 1 | Vertigo | 1 | Fracture | 1 | Liver Disease | 1 | Medication | 5 | Neurological | 2 | Surgical | 3 | Technical | 6 | Unspecified Medical Reason | 9 |