Research Article

Perception and Barriers to Indoor Air Quality and Perceived Impact on Respiratory Health: An Assessment in Rural Honduras

Table 3

Comparison of respiratory symptoms by household characteristic.

No chimney
Corrugated zinc
Other roofs

Treated for respiratory problems15 (25%)5 (31%)9 (31%)7 (44%)*4 (12%)*9 (18%)*12 (43%)*
Watery eyes due to household smoke25 (41%)7 (44%)11 (38%)10 (62%)*11 (34%)*21 (43%)12 (43%)
Cough in the past two weeks25 (41%)7 (44%)14 (48%)8 (50%)10 (31%)20 (41%)12 (43%)
Difficulty in breathing14 (23%)5 (31%)9 (31%)6 (38%)4 (12%)10 (20%)10 (36%)
Deaths due to respiratory problems3 (5%)2 (12%)1 (4%)1 (6%)3 (9%)3 (6%)3 (11%)

From left to right: two-way test of statistical significance to compare frequency of reported respiratory symptoms by absence or presence of chimney, by stove location, and by roof material.
*denotes a paired value < 0.05.
other roofing material included such types as adobe, mud, thatched, cement, tile, or a mixture of them.