Research Article

Determinants of Virologic Failure among Adult HIV Patients on First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy at Waghimra Zone, Northern Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 3

Medication-related factors on ART clients at Waghimra zone health institution ART clinic, Northern Ethiopia, in 2019 (n = 276).

VariableCases (n %)Control (n %)Chi-square (X2) value

ART regimen at baseline3.0380.219
 AZT based58 (63.1)98 (53.3)
 TDF based21 (22.8)60 (32.6)
 D4T based13 (14.1)26 (14.1)

ART regimen at the time of VL testing3.2510.071
 AZT based59 (64.1)97 (52.7)
 TDF based33 (35.9)87 (47.3)

Duration on ART in years
 <5 years10 (10.9)50 (27.2)9.5830.002
 ≥5 years82 (89.1)134 (72.8)

Drug toxicity
 Yes32 (34.8)35 (19)8.2880.004
 No60 (65.2)149 (81)0.5670.451

ART shift on first-line drugs
 Yes29 (31.5)50 (27.2)
 No63 (68.5)134 (72.8)

ART medication adherence
 Good43 (46.7)155 (84.2)42.540.001
 Poor49 (53.3)29 (15.8)

CPT use
 Yes72 (78.3)134 (72.8)0.9570.328
 No20 (21.7)50 (27.2)