Research Article

Free Radical Scavenging Capacities and Alleviating Actions of Polysaccharides Extract of Termitomyces le-testui on Methylprednisolone-Induced Immunodepression in Rats

Figure 3

Microarchitecture of rat thymus of different groups (control and extract-treated groups). Normal group: untreated animals; negative: animals receiving methylprednisolone only. (a) Cross section in a rat thymus of normal group showing a lobule of the thymus with dense cortex (Cx), medulla (Me), interlobular (A), and intralobular (B) (H&E, X 100). (b) Cross section in a rat thymus of negative group showing the lobule of the thymus with less dense cortex (Cx) and the medulla (Me), interlobular (A), and intralobular (B) (H&E, X 100). (c) Cross section in a rat thymus of 25 mg/kg-treated group showing the lobule of the thymus with dense cortex (Cx) and the medulla (Me), interlobular (A), and intralobular (B) (H&E, X 100). (d) Cross section in a rat thymus of 50 mg/kg-treated group showing the lobule of the thymus with dense cortex (Cx) and the medulla (Me), interlobular (A), and intralobular (B) (H&E, X 100). (e) Cross section in a rat thymus of 100 mg/kg-treated group showing the lobule of the thymus with very dense cortex (Cx) and the medulla (Me), interlobular (A), and intralobular (B). (H&E, X 100).