Research Article

Thermal Stabilization of Polyoxymethylene by PEG-Functionalized Hydroxyapatite: Examining the Effects of Reduced Formaldehyde Release and Enhanced Bioactivity

Table 6

The mass of POM and POM/HA-g-PEG 600 samples before and after incubation in PBS and RF.

SampleMass []
Before incubationAfter incubationMass change []

POM/2.5% HA-g-PEG 6000.88390.90780.88340.90670.00050.0011
POM/5.0% HA-g-PEG 6000.95290.89050.95290.89030.00000.0002
POM/10.0% HA-g-PEG 6000.96060.93030.96010.92970.00050.0006