Research Article

Intrinsically Noncombustible Thermosets from Sulfur-Containing Epoxy Resin and Benzoxazines: Evaluation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties

Table 2

Thermogravimetric analysis data of blend resins.

w (BZ): w (EPS)Tint (°C)T10% (°C)Char yield, %LOI

Poly(TBP-a/EPS)10 : 03053736343
7 : 33063615841
5 : 53083655841
3 : 73103634335
1 : 93123653532

Poly(TBP-fa/EPS)10 : 03254466845
7 : 33153756343
5 : 53153635841
3 : 73183664536
1 : 93193683732

Poly(TBP-tma/EPS)10 : 03144256644
7 : 33063756041
5 : 53083645038
3 : 73103694536
1 : 93113713532

TBP, 4,4’-thiobisphenol; EPS, epoxy resin; BZ, benzoxazine; LOI, limiting oxygen index.