Research Article

Manufacturing of Filament for 4D Printing through Polyether-Type TPU/PLA Blend

Table 3

Characterization of the AFM results for the PLA, TPU, and TPU/PLA blend filaments.

Ratio of TPU/PLA
PLA5 : 57 : 39 : 1TPU

Surface area (µm2)400400400400401
Rq (nm)a10.71.414.555.0217.6
Ra (nm)b8.321.181.992.0811.8
Rmax (nm)c10.17.8211.2811.4110.36

Surface area: total area of examined sample surface. Mean: the average of all Z values within the enclosed area. aRq (rms): the standard deviation of the Z values within the given area. bRa (mean roughness): the mean value of the surface relative to the center place. cRmax (max height): the difference in height between the highest and lowest points on the surface relative to the mean plane.