Research Article

Analysis of a Methanogen and an Actinobacterium Dominating the Thermophilic Microbial Community of an Electromethanogenic Biocathode

Figure 1

(a) Relative abundances and inferred taxonomies of the unassembled metagenome reads from the biocathode consortium. Kingdom-, genus-, and species-level identifications representing at least 1% relative abundance are shown. (b) The 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in the shotgun-sequenced DNA (MG) and the DNA samples extracted from the biocathodes (C1-C6). Copy numbers were quantified using primer-probe sets to detect the 16S rRNA genes of the domains Archaea (Arc) and bacteria (Bac), the order Methanobacteriales (MBT), and the Coriobacteriaceae sp. strain EMTCatB1 and related Actinobacteria (COR).