Research Article

Characterization, Expression, and Ligand Binding of LGP2 and MDA5 in Largemouth Black Bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède, 1802)

Table 1

Selective pressure analysis of msLGP2 and msMDA5.

GenesdN/dS (FEL model)dN/dS (SLAC model)Sites (dN/dS < 1)Sites (dN/dS > 1)

LGP20.18490.210931, 40, 92, 150, 183, 246, 282, 341, 414, 436, 479, 562, 605, 643, 652, 700672
MDA50.23360.265161, 95, 319, 358, 472, 522, 611, 642, 765, 803, 813, 927, 969, 991, 102773, 251, 262, 572