Research Article

Molecular Characterization and Immunological Approaches Associated with Yellow Grub Trematode (Clinostomid) Infecting Nile Tilapia

Figure 4

Photomicrographs displayed the histological structure of clinostomid cyst-infected buccal cavities of Nile tilapia: (a) section showing the encysted metacercaria of Clinostomum (arrow); (b) section presented the connective tissue capsule covering the Clinostomum spp. externally (arrow). Notice several inflammatory cells infiltrations encircling the parasite (arrowhead); (c) tissue section highlighted the cuticle of metacercaria of clinostomum (arrow) and hypodermis below it; (d) high power section metacercaria of Clinostomum spp. disclosed the composition of the ventral sucker (arrow). (H&E staining (a–c) (100× magnification, scale bar = 200 μm) (d) (400× magnification, scale bar = 50 μm)).