Research Article

Survey of the Factors Associated with a Woman's Choice to Have an Epidural for Labor Analgesia

Table 1

Demographics, obstetric data as well as patient and partner desire for labor epidural.

Received epidural ( )No epidural ( )

Patients desire for epidural (0–100)
Age (yr)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
BMI (gm/m2)
Wt of Baby (gm)
Previous epidural81%22
Pitocin used during labor75%37
Partner’s preference for epidural
Did not finish high school19%46
Labor 6 hours72%32
MediCal Insurance45%69
 East Asian12%10%
 Indian Asian8%2%
 Pacific Islander6%12%
 African American2%2%

Values expressed as , median(IQR) or percentages;
between groups that did and did not receive epidurals;
significant difference between the groups.
Data reported as percentages analyzed with Chi-square analysis. Other data analyzed using the Student -test except the score of desiring an epidural. A Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test was used in this case since the two groups had differences in how the data were distributed.