Research Article

Survey of the Factors Associated with a Woman's Choice to Have an Epidural for Labor Analgesia

Table 2

Multiple logistic regression analysis of factors associated with patients receiving epidural analgesia during labor.

VariableOdds Ratio95% CI -value

Partner preference
 Yes25.15.2–122.0 .0001
Prior epidural (yes/no)9.02.5–32.5.001
Insurance 0.70.1–4.0.718
Age 0.80.2–2.8.752
Duration 2.60.6–10.9.192
Pitocin use (yes/no)2.30.5–9.4.263

Results were derived from a multiple logistic regression analyses comparing 243 patients who received a labor epidural to 59 patients who did not.
(primary language English yes/no); Education (primary, junior high, high school, university, post graduate); type (Medical/Private); Age ( or 35 years); Duration ( 6 or 6 hours).