Research Article

The Underreported Postoperative Suffering after Thyroid Surgery: Dysphagia, Dysphonia, and Neck Pain—A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Multivariate output of factors associated with postoperative complain after thyroid surgery.

Postoperative complainVariables (risk factors)CORAOR95% CI value

Voice changeLarge ETT size17.2915.473.4–69.50.001
Duration of surgery lasting 2 hours or more7.227.341.5–35.10.01
Frequent intraoperative hypotension4.9223.244.6–116.70.001
Postoperative throat pain0.360.410.07–2.580.34

Swallowing difficultyLarge ETT size4.654.921.34–18.010.02
Types of procedure = total/near total2.098.621.21–61.500.03
Frequent intraoperative hypotension2.426.961.77–27.390.01
Less experienced anesthetist (2 year)3.335.401.16–25.060.03

Neck painLarge ETT size0.060.760.43–1.350.36
Duration of surgery lasting 2 hours or more9.9010.262.15–48.880.001
Types of procedure0.530.350.1–1.140.08
Anesthetists’ experiences1.901.170.41–3.380.77

Note. ETT: endotracheal tube; EBL: estimated blood loss; EBVt: estimated total blood volume.