Review Article

Review of the Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for the Production of Biofuels and Medical Oxygen: Separation and Purification Technology

Table 1



aSpecific particle surfacem2m-3
aHiSpecific heat exchanger surfacem2m-3
apSpecific particle surface per unit volume bedm2m-3
AAPlaceholder variable used for Dubinin-Astakhov isotherm evaluation
bKinetic Langmuir factorbar-1
cbiBulk gas phase concentrationkmolm-3
ciMolar concentration of component ikmolm-3
cmsiMacropore gas phase concentrationkmolm-3
csolConcentration of solid phase reactantkmolkg-1
cpaiSpecific heat capacity of adsorbed phaseMJkmol-1K-1
cpcatSpecific heat capacity of catalystMJkg-1K-1
cpgSpecific gas phase heat capacity at constant pressureMJkmol-1K-1
cpsSpecific heat capacity of adsorbentMJkg-1K-1
cpWSpecific heat capacity of column wallMJkg-1K-1
cvgSpecific gas phase heat capacity at constant volumeMJkmol-1K-1
DBBed diameterm
DefcEffective micropore diffusion coefficientm2s-1
DefpEffective macropore diffusion coefficientm2s-1
DekEffective adsorbed phase diffusivity of component m2s-1
DkiKnudsen diffusion coefficient of component m2s-1
DmiMean molecular diffusion coefficient of component MJkmol-1
EactActivation energy for Arrhenius relationshipMJkmol-1
EiiRadial dispersion coefficient of component m2s-1
EziAxial dispersion coefficient of component m2s-1
HambWall-ambient heat transfer coefficientMWm2K-1
HBHeight of adsorbent layerm
HiRate of change of heat of adsorbed phaseMJm-3s-1
HRCombined heats of homogenous and heterogeneous reactionsMJm-3s-1
HRcatHeat of catalytic reactionMJkmol-1
HRgasGas phase heat of reactionMJkmol-1
HTiHeat of adsorption contribution to solid phase energy balanceMJm-3s-1
HWGas-wall heat transfer coefficientMJm-3s-1
ΔHiHeat of adsorption of component MJkmol-1
HTCGas-solid heat transfer coefficientMJm-3s-1
IPIsotherm parameter, units depend on isotherm
jColburn j-factor for heat or mass transfer
Jads,iMass transfer rate of component owing to adsorptionkmolm-3s-1
Jcat,reac,iMass transfer rate of component owing to heterogeneous catalytic reactionskmolm-3s-1
Jgas, reac ,iMass transfer rate of component owing to homogenous, gas phase reactionskmolm-3s-1
JiMass transfer rate of component to/from adsorbentkmolm-3s-1
k0,iPre-exponential factor for Arrhenius relationshipms-1
k0P,iPre-exponential factor for pressure dependent Arrhenius relationshipms-1
kfiFilm mass transfer coefficient of component ms-1
kfiGas phase thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
kgrEffective radial gas phase thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
kiEffective, lumped mass transfer coefficient of component s-1
ksSolid thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
kgsEffective axial gas phase thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
ksrEffective radial solid phase thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
ksgEffective axial solid phase thermal conductivityMWm-1K-1
kWThermal conductivity of column wallMWm-1K-1
KmacMacropore mass transfer coefficients-1
KmicMicropore mass transfer coefficients-1
KpDarcy’s constantbarsm-2
KpiMacropore diffusion coefficientm2s-1
LLength of horizontal bedm
MMolecular weightkgkmol-1
MTCgGas film mass transfer coefficients-1
MTCsSolid film mass transfer coefficients-1
PsatSaturation pressurebar
QHiHeat transfer rate to internal heat exchangerMJm-2s-1
rRadial coordinate (in packed bed or particle)m
rcMicroparticle (crystal) radiusm
rpParticle radiusm
RUniversal gas constantbarm-3kmol-1K-1
RcatCatalytic reaction ratekmolkg-1s-1
RgasGas phase reaction ratekmolm-3s-1
RsolSolid phase reaction ratekmolkg-1s-1
tcycleAdsorption cycle times
T0Initial temperatureK
TambAmbient temperatureK
TcCritical temperatureK
TsSolid phase temperatureK
TgGas phase temperatureK
THiHeat exchange medium temperatureK
TWWall temperatureK
TortAdsorbent tortuosity
vgGas phase superficial velocityms-1
Wi0Pure component loading of component kmolkg-1
yiMole fraction of component in the gas phasekmolkg-1
zAxial coordinatem
Greek symbols
ϵiBed (interparticle) voidagem3 m-3
ϵpIntraparticle voidagem3 m-3
μDynamic viscosityN s m-2
ΩParameter in Glueckauf expression
ψParticle shape factor
ρbBed packing densitykg m-3
ρgGas phase molar densitykmol km-3
ρpParticle densitykmol km-3
ρsAdsorbent bulk densitykg m-3
bBulk or packed bed
FFeed stream
g, sGas and solid phase
iComponent water () or ethanol ()