Parameter | Description | Units |
a | Specific particle surface | m2m-3 |
aHi | Specific heat exchanger surface | m2m-3 |
ap | Specific particle surface per unit volume bed | m2m-3 |
A | Area | |
AA | Placeholder variable used for Dubinin-Astakhov isotherm evaluation | |
b | Kinetic Langmuir factor | bar-1 |
cbi | Bulk gas phase concentration | kmolm-3 |
ci | Molar concentration of component i | kmolm-3 |
cmsi | Macropore gas phase concentration | kmolm-3 |
csol | Concentration of solid phase reactant | kmolkg-1 |
cpai | Specific heat capacity of adsorbed phase | MJkmol-1K-1 |
cpcat | Specific heat capacity of catalyst | MJkg-1K-1 |
cpg | Specific gas phase heat capacity at constant pressure | MJkmol-1K-1 |
cps | Specific heat capacity of adsorbent | MJkg-1K-1 |
cpW | Specific heat capacity of column wall | MJkg-1K-1 |
cvg | Specific gas phase heat capacity at constant volume | MJkmol-1K-1 |
DB | Bed diameter | m |
Defc | Effective micropore diffusion coefficient | m2s-1 |
Defp | Effective macropore diffusion coefficient | m2s-1 |
Dek | Effective adsorbed phase diffusivity of component | m2s-1 |
Dki | Knudsen diffusion coefficient of component | m2s-1 |
Dmi | Mean molecular diffusion coefficient of component | MJkmol-1 |
Eact | Activation energy for Arrhenius relationship | MJkmol-1 |
Eii | Radial dispersion coefficient of component | m2s-1 |
Ezi | Axial dispersion coefficient of component | m2s-1 |
Hamb | Wall-ambient heat transfer coefficient | MWm2K-1 |
HB | Height of adsorbent layer | m |
Hi | Rate of change of heat of adsorbed phase | MJm-3s-1 |
HR | Combined heats of homogenous and heterogeneous reactions | MJm-3s-1 |
HRcat | Heat of catalytic reaction | MJkmol-1 |
HRgas | Gas phase heat of reaction | MJkmol-1 |
HTi | Heat of adsorption contribution to solid phase energy balance | MJm-3s-1 |
HW | Gas-wall heat transfer coefficient | MJm-3s-1 |
ΔHi | Heat of adsorption of component | MJkmol-1 |
HTC | Gas-solid heat transfer coefficient | MJm-3s-1 |
IP | Isotherm parameter, units depend on isotherm | |
j | Colburn j-factor for heat or mass transfer | |
Jads,i | Mass transfer rate of component owing to adsorption | kmolm-3s-1 |
Jcat,reac,i | Mass transfer rate of component owing to heterogeneous catalytic reactions | kmolm-3s-1 |
Jgas, reac ,i | Mass transfer rate of component owing to homogenous, gas phase reactions | kmolm-3s-1 |
Ji | Mass transfer rate of component to/from adsorbent | kmolm-3s-1 |
k0,i | Pre-exponential factor for Arrhenius relationship | ms-1 |
k0P,i | Pre-exponential factor for pressure dependent Arrhenius relationship | ms-1 |
kfi | Film mass transfer coefficient of component | ms-1 |
kfi | Gas phase thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
kgr | Effective radial gas phase thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
ki | Effective, lumped mass transfer coefficient of component | s-1 |
ks | Solid thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
kgs | Effective axial gas phase thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
ksr | Effective radial solid phase thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
ksg | Effective axial solid phase thermal conductivity | MWm-1K-1 |
kW | Thermal conductivity of column wall | MWm-1K-1 |
Kmac | Macropore mass transfer coefficient | s-1 |
Kmic | Micropore mass transfer coefficient | s-1 |
Kp | Darcy’s constant | barsm-2 |
Kpi | Macropore diffusion coefficient | m2s-1 |
L | Length of horizontal bed | m |
M | Molecular weight | kgkmol-1 |
MTCg | Gas film mass transfer coefficient | s-1 |
MTCs | Solid film mass transfer coefficient | s-1 |
P | Pressure | bar |
Psat | Saturation pressure | bar |
QHi | Heat transfer rate to internal heat exchanger | MJm-2s-1 |
r | Radial coordinate (in packed bed or particle) | m |
rc | Microparticle (crystal) radius | m |
rp | Particle radius | m |
R | Universal gas constant | barm-3kmol-1K-1 |
Rcat | Catalytic reaction rate | kmolkg-1s-1 |
Rgas | Gas phase reaction rate | kmolm-3s-1 |
Rsol | Solid phase reaction rate | kmolkg-1s-1 |
t | Time | s |
tcycle | Adsorption cycle time | s |
T | Temperature | K |
T0 | Initial temperature | K |
Tamb | Ambient temperature | K |
Tc | Critical temperature | K |
Ts | Solid phase temperature | K |
Tg | Gas phase temperature | K |
THi | Heat exchange medium temperature | K |
TW | Wall temperature | K |
Tort | Adsorbent tortuosity | |
vg | Gas phase superficial velocity | ms-1 |
Wi | Loading | kmolkg-1 |
Wi0 | Pure component loading of component | kmolkg-1 |
yi | Mole fraction of component in the gas phase | kmolkg-1 |
z | Axial coordinate | m |
Greek symbols | | |
ϵi | Bed (interparticle) voidage | m3 m-3 |
ϵp | Intraparticle voidage | m3 m-3 |
μ | Dynamic viscosity | N s m-2 |
Ω | Parameter in Glueckauf expression | |
ψ | Particle shape factor | |
ρb | Bed packing density | kg m-3 |
ρg | Gas phase molar density | kmol km-3 |
ρp | Particle density | kmol km-3 |
ρs | Adsorbent bulk density | kg m-3 |
Subscripts | | |
b | Bulk or packed bed | |
F | Feed stream | |
g, s | Gas and solid phase | |
i | Component water () or ethanol () | |
p | Particle | |