Review Article

Review of the Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for the Production of Biofuels and Medical Oxygen: Separation and Purification Technology

Table 3

Works reported on the different configurations of PSA processes for purification of bioethanol.

ReferenceExperimental /simulatedPSA cyclesPressure swing (kPa)Bed regeneration time (min)Ethanol feed (% wt)

[32]Simulated2 beds200 to 135.390
4 steps
[33]Experimental2 beds(200-240) to 20795
4 steps
[34]Experimental2 beds379.79 to 13.85.492
5 steps
[35]Experimental2 beds120 to 203.893.2
4 steps
[36]Experimental3 beds(120, 130) to 206.687
4 steps
[37]Experimental2 beds303 to 304588.57
4 steps
[14]Simulated2 beds204.5 to 13.42.9190
4 steps
[30]Simulated2 beds340 to 30ā€”86
2 steps