Research Article
Adsorptive Removal of Alizarin Red S onto Sulfuric Acid-Modified Avocado Seeds: Kinetics, Equilibrium, and Thermodynamic Studies
Table 4
Comparison of CTASP’s adsorption capability with already available adsorbents.
| Adsorbent | Adsorption capacity (mg g-1) | Reference |
| Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) | 312.5 | Machado et al., [62] | Fe3O4@NiO, core–shell magnetic nanoparticle | 223.30 | Nodehi et al., [63] | Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) | 135.2 | Machado et al., [62] | Activated carbon incorporated with gold nanoparticles | 123.4 | Roosta and Ghaedi, [64] | Polymer resin and waste cotton fibers | 104 | Wanassi et al., [65] | Iron nanoadsorbents from mixed waste biomass | 42.58 | Gautam et al., [66] | Spirulinaplatensis biomass | 17.15 | Nasoudari et al., [67] | Acid-treated avocado seed powder | 67.08 | This study |