Research Article

[Retracted] Adsorption of Crystal Violet Dye from Aqueous Solution using Industrial Pepper Seed Spent: Equilibrium, Thermodynamic, and Kinetic Studies

Table 2

Details of two parameters and three-parameter isotherm models.

Two parameter isothermsThree parameter isotherms

Langmuir Sips
Harkins JuraRedlich–Peterson

Where is the maximum adsorption capacity; is the Langmuir constant; is the separation factor; and are the Freundlich constants; is the Jovanovic constant; and are the Tempkin constants; is the universal gas constant; is the absolute solution temperature in Kelvin; and are the Harkins-Jura constants; , , and are the Redlich–Peterson constants; and are the Toth constants; and are the Radke–Prausnitz constants; and are the Sips constants; and and are the Vieth–Sladek constants.