Research Article
Modelling Moisture Sorption Isotherms of Superabsorbent Polymer Fabric for Desiccant Drying of Crops
Table 7
Empirical model coefficients and statistical results of developed sorption isotherm equations.
| Model coefficients and statistical indices | Models | Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 4 |
| | 0.4191325 | 0.1627866 | -1.1680986 | -0.2007884 | | 0.0086178 | | 2.1723147 | 1.0335341 | MRE | 0.0373573 | 0.0388401 | 0.038297 | 0.0374914 | RSS | 0.066497 | 0.0723338 | 0.086168 | 0.0725119 | RMSE | 0.0322338 | 0.0336187 | 0.036693 | 0.0336601 | | 0.9893002 | 0.9883554 | 0.986084 | 0.9890596 | | 0.9891276 | 0.9883554 | 0.9858595 | 0.9888832 | AIC | -251.82597 | -248.57357 | -235.24091 | -246.28392 |