Research Article

Fast Track Surgery as the Latest Multimodal Strategy of Enhanced Recovery after Urethroplasty

Table 2

The results of an objective examination and the state of the functional status.

IndicatorGroup I (n = 29)Group II (n = 25)

Localization of the structure:
Glans urethra, n (%)2 (6.8%)3 (12%)0.557
The penile urethra, n (%)6 (20.6%)1 (4%)0.107
The bulbar urethra, n (%)18 (62.0%)18 (72%)0.730
The membranous urethra, n (%)13 (44.8%)12 (48%)0.887
Length of stricture, (mm)20 (10; 40)15 (10; 25)0.780
Minimum diameter of the urethra, (mm)1 (1; 2)1 (1; 2)0.277
Q max, (ml/s)7.1 (±2.6)7.2 (±2.2)0.920
Volume of residual urine, (ml)150 (90; 240)130 (45; 230)0.564
Fistulas or diverticula of the urethra, n (%)3 (10.3%)1 (4%)0.408
Prostate volume, (cm3)23.3 (±8.8)26.0 (±7.9)0.262
IIEF-5, score14 (9; 18)12 (8; 16)0.423
Qol, score5 (4; 5)5 (4; 6)0.167
IPSS, score26 (23; 30)28 (26; 34)0.095

Note: Qmax-maximum flow rate; IIEF-Iinternational Index of Erectile Function; QoL–the quality of life; IPSS-International Prostate Symptom Score. Thus, the analysis of the main characteristics of patients in the comparison groups demonstrated their comparability ().