Research Article

A Novel Method for High-Level Production of TEV Protease by Superfolder GFP Tag

Figure 4

The quantification of sfGFP fluorescence during sfGFP-TEV-His6 Nd2 expression and purification. (a) The fluorescence intensity versus time curve of sfGFP-TEV-His6 Nd2 by autoinduction at . The fluorescence of 100  L cultured E. coli cells in the autoinduction medium was collected using bottom reading method with 485 nm excitation filter and 535 nm emission filter. The height of the bar is the average of three independent tests with standard error on top of the bar. (b) One representative sfGFP fluorescence quantification during Ni-NTA purification. The fluorescence was collected using top reading method with 485 nm excitation filter and 535 nm emission filter. (−): uninduced cell lysate; ( ): induced whole cell lysate; S : supernatant of the sonication; F.T.: flow through fraction from Ni-NTA chromatography; Wash: wash fraction from Ni-NTA chromatography; E.: eluated fraction by imidazole from Ni-NTA chromatography.