Research Article

Basic Parameters of Blood Count as Prognostic Factors for Renal Cell Carcinoma

Table 2

Univariate Cox regression. Statistically significant parameters predictive of metastasis, recurrence, and death specifically due to renal cell carcinoma.

ADAPRegression coefficientSEHR valueNNumber of events

Tumor location C (ref.)0,0001,00023021
Location L−2,3400,7640,0960,0022
Location U−2,4700,8170,0840,0025
Location D−1,7500,6520,1740,0073
PLT [thousand/μL]0,0050,0021,0100,003023021

RecurrenceTumor size (cm)0,0880,0301,0900,002723025
HGB [g/dL]−0,3970,1020,6720,000123025
HCT [%]−0,1210,0520,8860,020023013
MCV [fL]−0,1130,0260,8930,000023025
MCH [pg]−0,1960,0650,8220,002523025
PLT [thousand/μL]0,0080,0011,0100,000023025

Tumor size (cm)0,1010,0201,1100,000023049
HGB [g/dL]−0,3560,0770,7000,000023049
HCT [%]−0,1140,0380,8920,002423027
MCV [fL]−0,1050,0190,9000,000023049
MCHC [g/dL]−0,1480,0570,8630,009823049
MCH [pg]−0,2060,0490,8140,000023049
RDW [%]0,1550,0561,1700,005623049
PLT [thousand/μL]0,0090,0011,0100,000023049
MPV [fL]−0,3750,0930,6870,000123049

AE: adverse event; AP: analyzed parameters; HR: hazard ratio; SE: standard error; location C:central location of the tumor; location L: tumor in the lower pole of the kidney; location U: tumor in the upper pole of the kidney; location D: tumor in the dorsal part of the kidney; T: tumor scale; G: Fuhrman scale; PLT: platelets count; HGB: hemoglobin level; HCT: hematocrit; MCV: mean corpuscular volume; MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin; RDW: red blood cell distribution width; MPV: mean platelet volume; NSS: nephron sparing surgery; NF: nephrectomy.