Research Article

Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Dustmen in Northeastern China: A Case-Control Seroprevalence Study

Table 2

Seroprevalence of T. gondii IgM infection in dustmen and control subjects in China.

CharacteristicDustmenControl subjectsDustmen vs Controls
No. testedNo. positive% (95% CI)P valueNo. testedNo. positive% (95% CI)P valueP value

Age Group (years)
≤ 402400 (-)0.817311210.89 (0-2.66)0.71030.6422
41 – 5012921.55 (0-3.71)8200 (-)0.2573
51 – 6017931.68 (0-3.57)13810.72 (0-2.16)0.4518
Male16253.09 (0.39-5.78)0.021017121.17 (0-2.80)0.15600.2230
Female17000 (-)16100 (-)-
Geographic region
Jilin14721.36 (0-3.26)0.846215010.67 (0-1.98)0.89070.5499
Heilongjiang18531.62 (0-3.46)18210.55 (0-1.63)0.3226
Cat at home
No15421.30 (0-3.11)0.773013700 (-)0.23450.1836
Yes17831.69 (0-3.59)19521.03 (0-2.45)0.5800
Habits of washing hand before meals
No15853.16 (0.41-5.92)0.018116121.24 (0-2.97)0.14380.2413
Yes17400 (-)17100 (-)-
Total33251.51 (0.19-2.82)33220.60 (0-1.44)0.2543