Research Article

Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Association with Insulin Resistance in Obese Women with Normal Fasting Glucose

Table 3

Univariate correlations of HOMA-IR with anthropometrics and biochemical parameters in obese women.

Parameters (units) value

Age (year)0.0650.450
BMI (kg/m2)0.2180.011
WC (cm)0.1820.068
HC (cm)0.1630.102
VD (ng/ml)-0.2270.008
PTH (pg/ml)0.2240.027
Ca (mg/dl)-0.1320.125

BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference; HC: hip circumference; WHR: waist-to hip-ratio; VD: vitamin D; PTH: parathyroid hormone; Ca: calcium.