Research Article

Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections and Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Prenatal Care in the Northwestern Ethiopia

Table 2

Univariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis on sociodemographic and obstetric factors associated with IPIs among pregnant women 2019 ().

Sociodemographic variablesIntestinal parasiteCOR (95% CI) valueAOR (95% CI) value
Positive (%)Negative (%)

Age category (year)0.734
15-1910 (50.0)10 (50.0)5.0 (0.49-50.83)0.174
20-2459 (37.1)100 (62.9)2.95 (0.34-25.86)0.329
25-2949 (36.8)84 (56.4)2.92 (0.33-25.69)0.335
30-3411 (33.3)22 (66.7)2.50 (0.26-24.09)0.428
35-3911 (33.3)22 (66.7)2.50 (0.26-24.09)0.428
40 and above1 (16.7)5 (83.3)1
Marital status0.572
Single19 (32.8)39 (67.2)0.79 (0.43-1.43)0.432
Divorced13 (31.7)28 (68.3)0.75 (0.37-1.51)0.420
Married109 (38.2)176 (61.7)1
Education level0.004
Illiterate34 (49.3)35 (50.7)5.69 (2.25-14.42)≤0.0014.63 (1.37-15.66)0.014
Writing and reading64 (36.8)110 (63.2)3.41 (1.44-8.04)0.0053.64 (1.15-11.54)0.028
High school36 (38.7)57 (61.3)3.69 (1.49-9.13)0.0054.04 (1.26-12.91)0.019
College and university7 (14.6)41 (85.4)11
Rural84 (44.7)104 (55.3)1.97 (1.29-3.00)0.0021.56 (0.99-2.47)0.056
Urban57 (29.1)139 (70.9)11
Monthly income≤0.001
Less than 50045 (56.3)35 (43.7)3.77 (2.06-6.91)≤0.0013.49 (1.72-7.07)0.001
500–100066 (35.5)120 (64.5)1.61 (0.97-2.69)0.0671.48 (0.83-2.64)0.180
Above 00030 (25.4)88 (74.6)11
Daily laborer15 (26.3)42 (73.7)1.39 (0.54-3.56)0.4940.26 (.071-0.95)0.042
Student6 (40.0)9 (60.0)2.59 (0.73-9.19)0.1400.40 (0.08-2.02)0.269
House wife112 (41.8)157 (58.6)2.75 (1.27-5.95)0.0100.63 (0.2-1.97)0.429
Civil servant9 (20.5)35 (79.5)11
Primigravida89 (41.6)125 (58.4)1.71 (0.88-3.31)0.1122.04 (1.01-4.12)0.048
Bigravidae37 (31.1)82 (68.9)1.08 (0.53-2.22)0.8281.35 (0.62-2.91)0.449
Multigravidae15 (29.4)36 (70.6)11
Gestation period0.406
1st trimester43 (39.8)65 (60.2)1.45 (0.82-2.56)0.203
2nd trimester66 (37.9)108 (62.1)1.34 (0.79-2.25)0.272
3rd trimester32 (31.4)70 (68.6)1

1: reference category. : statistically significant value.