Research Article

Effects of Contralateral Hip Flexion Angle on the Ober Test

Table 1

Descriptive values of ROM, tightness feeling, and location of tightness during the Ober test with different contralateral hip flexion.

Contralateral hip flexion ()VariableValueLocation of tightness (fi: %)

ROM7.81° ± 4.82°LST6 (11%)
Tightness NRSAT29 (51%)
No tension21 (38%)

45°ROM10.86° ± 4.20°LST7 (13%)
Tightness NRSAT31 (55%)
No tension18 (32%)

90°ROM14.84° ± 4.31°LST16 (29%)
Tightness NRSAT27 (49%)
No tension13 (24%)

Maximal flexionROM19.94° ± 4.94°LST31 (56%)
Tightness NRSAT15 (27%)
No tension10 (17%)

ROM: range of movement (°); NRS: Numeric Rating Scale (0-10); Fi: absolute frequency; %: percentage; LST: Lateral Side of Thigh; AT: Anterior Thigh.