Research Article

Effects of Contralateral Hip Flexion Angle on the Ober Test

Table 2

Comparative values of ROM and tightness feeling during the Ober test at different contralateral hip flexion angles.

Ober test changesROM ()Tightness NRS ()
Average (CI 95%)Average (CI 95%)

0°-45°-3.05° (−5.3°/−0.8°)0,003-0.2 ()0,779
0°-90°-7.0° (−9.3°/−4.8°)0,000-1.1 ()0,000
0°-max flex-12.1° (−14.3°/−9.9°)0,000-2.4 ()0,000
45°-90°-4.0° (−6.2°/−1.7°)0,000-0.9 ()0,001
45°-max flex-9.1° (−11.3°/−6.9°)0,000-2.2 ()0,000
90°-max flex-5.1° (−7.3°/−2.9°)0,000-1.3 ()0,000

ROM: range of movement (°); NRS: Numeric Rating Scale (0-10); Flex: contralateral hip flexion.