Research Article

NF-κB-Related Metabolic Gene Signature Predicts the Prognosis and Immunotherapy Response in Gastric Cancer

Figure 2

Differential expressed NFMGs in TCGA and their function analysis. (a) The volcano plot showed the DEGs in TCGA database. (b) The overlapped genes among TCGA, hTFtarget, and MSigDB databases were considered as the differential expressed NFMGs. (c) The Sankey plot displayed the targeted relationship between the 120 NFMGs and NF-κB transcription factor. (d) The expression of the 120 NFMGs in each TCGA sample was shown in heatmap. (e, f) GO analysis of (e) upregulated NFMGs and (f) downregulated NFMGs. (g) KEGG analysis of the 120 NFMGs. NFMGs: NF-κB-targeted metabolic genes; TCGA: The Cancer Genome Atlas; DEGs: differential expressed genes; MSigDB: the Molecular Signatures Database; GO: Gene Ontology; KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.