Research Article

Elucidating the Visual Snow Spectrum: A Latent Class Analysis Study

Table 1

Summary of sample characteristics.

Complete sampleParticipants without VSParticipants with VSParticipants with VSS

Mean age (SD)38.34 (12.03)37.79 (12.76)36.32 (10.62)37.64 (12.26)
Gender (male)1,084 (58.72%)649 (60.54%)435 (56.20%)45 (54.21%)
Gender (female)746 (40.41%)413 (38.53%)333 (43.02%)38 (45.79%)
Gender (nonbinary)7 (0.38%)4 (0.37%)3 (0.39%)0 (0.00%)
Gender (prefer not to say)9 (0.49%)6 (0.56%)3 (0.39%)0 (0.00%)
Relevant medical history
 Probable migraine (no aura)260 (14.08%)99 (9.24%)75 (9.69%)10 (12.05%)
 Probable migraine (aura)500 (27.09%)185 (17.25%)401 (51.81%)42 (50.60%)
 Tinnitus402 (21.78%)207 (19.31%)195 (25.20%)33 (39.75%)
 Drug history668 (36.19%)339 (31.62%)329 (42.51%)30 (36.14%)
Perceptual phenomena associated with VSS
 Palinopsia281 (15.22%)81 (7.56%)200 (25.84%)33 (39.76%)
 Excessive floaters519 (28.11%)148 (13.81%)371 (47.93%)60 (72.29%)
 Blue field entoptic phenomenon (BFEP)307 (16.63%)41 (3.82%)266 (34.37%)44 (53.01%)
 Halos288 (15.60%)86 (8.02%)202 (26.10%)25 (30.12%)
 Self-light of the eyes300 (16.25%)92 (8.58%)208 (26.87%)31 (37.35%)
 Photophobia658 (35.64%)310 (28.92%)348 (44.96%)50 (60.24%)
 Nyctalopia222 (12.03%)82 (7.65%)140 (18.10%)19 (22.89%)

Note. The participants with visual snow here also include the participants with VSS and participants with possible HPPD. Participants who had possible HPPD, i.e., met the criteria for VSS and who had a history of drug use which was immediately prior to the onset of their perceptual phenomena, are not included in the VSS category.