Research Article

The Association between Vitamin D Hypovitaminosis and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Saudi Diabetic Patients Type II

Table 1

Demographic, clinical and biochemical data among studied groups.

VariablesDiabetic patientsControl group

Age (years)50.59 ± 6.0349.39 ± 3.960.15
 Male50 (53.8%)42 (60.9%)0.42
 Female43 (46.2%)27 (39.1%)
Smokers10 (10.8%)12 (17.4%)0.16
Duration (years)4 (1–24)
Weight (Kg)88.07 ± 17.5581.17 ± 5.860.002
BMI (Kg/M2)32.57 ± 5.1629.28 ± 2.090.001
BMI categories
 18–251 (1%)6 (8.7%)0.001
 25–2923 (24.7%)30 (43.5%)
 >3069 (74.2%)33 (47.8%)
SBP (mmHg)143.12 ± 24.73117.61 ± 5.610.0001
DBP (mmHg)89.03 ± 8.8879.13 ± 4.80.0001
TC (mg/dl)176.7 ± 34.81143.8 ± 9.70.0001
TG (mg/dl)142 (90–400)128.3 (67–299)0.008
LDLc (mg/dl)105.77 ± 25.8897.6 ± 14.30.01
HDLc (mg/dl)40.7 ± 8.8877.78 ± 13.10.0001
LDLc/HDLc2.76 ± 1.061.29 ± 0.280.0001
FBG (mg/dl)151.2 ± 39.6587.47 ± 7.070.0001
2H-PPG (mg/dl)205.4 ± 50.36116.26 ± 19.40.0001
HbA1C (%)8.01 ± 1.44.99 ± 0.390.0001
Insulin (uIU/ml)16 (6–54)11 (10–14)0.0001
HOMA-IR5.48 (2.1–20.77)2.52 (1.98–3.18)0.0001
CRP (mg/dl)14.02 ± 4.673.04 ± 0.750.0001
ESR (mm/H)19 (6–118)11.9 (9.8–14.2)0.0001
Vitamin D (ng/ml)18 (6–34)21 (12–34)<0.001
Vitamin D status
 Sufficiency21.5 (20)30.4 (21)0.3
 In-sufficiency26.9 (25)29 (20)
 Deficiency51.6 (48)40.6 (28)

statistically significant at .