Research Article

Diets Rich in Olive Oil, Palm Oil, or Lard Alter Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Mitochondrial Membrane Composition in Rat Liver

Table 2

Effect of diets on liver mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS production.

ControlCrude PORefined POOOLard

Mitochondrial membrane potential
Mitochondria (AU)0.51 ± 0.30.49 ± 0.30.53 ± 0.10.53 ± 0.30.53 ± 0.3NS
Mitochondria + substrate (AU)0.68 ± 0.10.66 ± 0.20.70 ± 0.10.69 ± 0.30.68 ± 0.2NS
Mitochondria + substrate + ADP (AU)0.52 ± 0.10.52 ± 0.10.53 ± 0.10.52 ± 0.10.51 ± 0.1NS

Mitochondrial ROS production
Mitochondria (AU)95 ± 20101 ± 34100 ± 2887 ± 27103 ± 34NS
Mitochondria + substrate (AU)150 ± 23161 ± 33159 ± 32147 ± 29152 ± 32NS
Mitochondria + substrate + ADP (AU)141 ± 24153 ± 41154 ± 37138 ± 2141 ± 33NS

Values are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 7-8). ADP, adenosine diphosphate; AU, arbitrary units; OO, olive oil; PO, palm oil, ROS, reactive oxygen species.