Research Article

Diets Rich in Olive Oil, Palm Oil, or Lard Alter Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Mitochondrial Membrane Composition in Rat Liver

Table 3

Effect of diets on liver mitochondrial membrane phospholipid (PL) composition.

ControlCrude PORefined POOOLard

Total PL (nmol/mg protein)228 ± 9.1206 ± 12236 ± 13226 ± 7.4230 ± 11NS
LPC (%)1.57 ± 0.291.74 ± 0.191.25 ± 0.181.43 ± 0.251.34 ± 0.27NS
SM (%)2.04 ± 0.061.89 ± 0.101.99 ± 0.132.16 ± 0.152.02 ± 0.19NS
PC (%)50.6 ± 0.5651.9 ± 0.6252.6 ± 0.5951.8 ± 0.6551.0 ± 0.63NS
PI (%)4.96 ± 0.175.54 ± 0.224.94 ± 0.365.00 ± 0.275.52 ± 0.32NS
PS (%)1.59 ± 0.211.20 ± 0.211.12 ± 0.261.15 ± 0.271.26 ± 0.28NS
PE (%)30.19 ± 0.3228.88 ± 0.5529.06 ± 0.4729.30 ± 0.5228.28 ± 0.55NS
CL (%)9.02 ± 0.26a8.89 ± 0.29a8.04 ± 0.32b9.14 ± 0.26a9.56 ± 0.32a0.016
PC/PE1.68 ± 0.031.80 ± 0.061.81 ± 0.051.78 ± 0.051.75 ± 0.05NS

Values are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 7-8). On the same line, values with different letters are significantly different. (%), percentages in phosphorus of total phospholipids; CL, cardiolipin; LPC, lysophosphatidylcholine; OO, olive oil; PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PI, phosphatidylinositol; PL, phospholipid; PO, palm oil; PS, phosphatidylserine; SM, sphingomyelin.