Clinical Study

Epidemiology, Prognosis, and Evolution of Management of Septic Shock in a French Intensive Care Unit: A Five Years Survey

Table 3

Baseline characteristics and management of septic shock patients: significant differences between the 2003-2004 and 2005–2007 periods. COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, SAPS: simplify acute physiology score, SOFA: sepsis-related organ failure assessment score, ICU: intensive care unit, RRT: renal replacement therapy, prothrombin ratio (PR).

2003-2004 2005–2007P

Comorbidities n(%)
Chronic cardiac failure37(27.8)20(10.8).001
Diabete mellitus34(25.6)35(19).16
Chronic liver failure19(14.3)16(8.7).1171
Chronic alcoolism(24.8)(28.3).4939
Chronic renal failure8(6)8(4.3).5034
Non hematologic malignancy8(6)28(15.2).8367
Hematologic malignancy18(13.5)14(7.6).084
Clinical presentation
Male sex (%)82(61.2)121(65).4794
Age (years) (mean SD) .1374
Lactate (meq/l) (mean SD) .0993
Platelet count (1000/mm³) (mean SD) .0345
Creatinine (mg/l) (mean SD) .8113
Bilirubine (mg/l) (mean SD) .0425
PR (%) (mean SD) .2117
pH (mean SD) .7409
PaO2/FiO2 (mean SD) .1649
SAPS II (mean SD) .259
SOFA score (mean SD) .0338
Mechanical ventilation (%)(85.1)(90.8).1143
Norepinephrine (%)79(59)158(85.4) .0001
Dobutamine (%)51(38.1)32(17.4) .0001
Dopamine (%)91(67.9)43(23.4) .001
Intensive insulin therapy (%)17(12.7)163(87.6) .0001
Time from sepsis to adapted antibiotic treatment (hours) (mean SD) .0037
Cristalloid volume expansion at 6 hours of sepsis (mean SD) .0001
Cristalloid volume expansion at 24 hours of sepsis (mean SD) .0005
Time from shock to initiation of hydrocortisone (hours) (mean SD) .0001
Time from shock to intubation (hours) (mean SD) .0105
Time from shock to RRT (hours) (mean SD) .002
Time from shock to initiation of nutrition (days) (mean SD) .0389