Research Article

High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation Combined with Volume Guarantee in a Neonatal Animal Model of Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Table 2

Physiological variables at different volumes guarantee before and after surfactant depletion by BAL.

VThf/kgpHPaO2 (mmHg)PaCO2 (mmHg)DCO2 (mL2/sec) Phf (cm H2O)

2 mL/kg
2.5 mL/kg
3 mL/kg
3 mL/kg

NA: not applicable.
Data as mean ± SD.
(ANOVA) as compared to 2 mL/kg.
(ANOVA) as compared to 2.5 mL/kg.
(ANOVA) as compared to 3 mL/kg before BAL.