Research Article

Improving Health Outcomes in Coronary Artery Disease Patients with Short-Term Protocols of High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training: A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial

Figure 5

Physical activity and sedentary behavior levels of exercise groups (HIIT () and MICT ()) and control group (). HIIT = high-intensity interval training (); MICT = moderate-intensity continuous training (); Control = control group (); ST = sedentary time (1.00–1.99 MET); LPA = light physical activity (2.00–3.49 MET); MVPA = moderate-to-vigorous physical activity ( 3.50 MET). Values are reported as mean  ± standard deviation. aSignificant differences between HIIT and Control, ; bsignificant differences between MICT and Control, ; csignificant differences between HIIT and MICT, .